What did he mean by that? I don't know how should a view that message.

2011/11/21 Akira Shirakawa <shirakawa.ak...@gmail.com>

> On 2011-11-21 12:41, peter.heck...@arcor.de wrote:
>> Ok, its time to spread some new rumours, to avoid boredness:
>> http://www.tovima.gr/files/1/**2011/11/18/Piantelli-engine%**5B1%5D.jpg<http://www.tovima.gr/files/1/2011/11/18/Piantelli-engine%5B1%5D.jpg>
>> http://www.defkalion-energy.**com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=**508<http://www.defkalion-energy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=508>
> By the way, it appears that Christos Stremmenos wrote a comment in the
> Tovima article linked, which he translated in Italian on JONP:
> http://www.journal-of-nuclear-**physics.com/?p=516&cpage=14#**
> comment-125963<http://www.journal-of-nuclear-physics.com/?p=516&cpage=14#comment-125963>
> I'll attempt a translation of his convoluted Italian to English below:
>  I feel responsible for the transfer and the fate of Rossi's invention
>> (Cold Fusion) in Greece, and also guardian of the moral values it contains.
>> With scientific and idealistic motives, involving my friends, colleagues
>> and long-term partners eng. A.Rossi and prof. S.Focardi, protagonists of
>> this epoch-making invention, we attempted together to transmit to Greece
>> the science and technological possibilities for a promising future in this
>> country, birthplace of Democritus and Leucippus, and with this symbolism,
>> to promote the new energetic era for the sake of the entire humanity.
>> As for what matters the Greek company "Defkalion Green Technologies SA",
>> unfortunately and much to my regret, I find myself with mixed feelings for
>> the frivolous and incoherent, to say the least, general behavior and
>> documented financial breach of contract with A.Rossi that lasted almost a
>> year.
>> I'll conclude with a wise popular saying from my birthplace Ervytania:
>> "The poor's lamb can't become a ram".
>> Prof.Ch. Stremmenos
> Cheers,
> S.A.

Daniel Rocha - RJ

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