Audiatur et altera pars- Defkalion, in this case:
What I understand is:
a) the Rossi Defkalion divorce took place because Rossi was not able to
show generators working more than 48 hours constantly;

b) the Greeks, having a very school of engineering have started very early
to develop the generators and have sytematically improved them. It seems
the secret of the core is much simpler than we imagine- a functional
additive that can be known based on the nechanism of the reaction, as
described by Piantelli;

c) The Tovima paper written by a reputed Greek journalist Tasos
Kafantaris has the aim to present the message of DGT;s CEo's statement- we
will continue! *in the context of LENR.* Piantelli being the creator of
Transition Metals-H LENR, his device for manufacturing nano-nickel was also
presented here. The photo is
taken in Piantelli's lab in Summer 2010 by Roy Virgilio and is on the Web.
It is an impressive high vacuum installation, cannot be taken as proof for
Defkalion using Piantelli's technology.
The paper is well written and balanced.

d) as far I know Rossi has tried to get Piantelli's help even earlier prior
to his depolymerisation gaffe (Petroldragon), but Piantelli works only with
scientists. If Rossi have achieved something it was
by empirical methods- trial and error, not by science,
And he needs now science to make to work well.

On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 2:44 PM, Akira Shirakawa

> On 2011-11-21 12:41, wrote:
>> Ok, its time to spread some new rumours, to avoid boredness:
>> http://www.defkalion-energy.**com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=**508<>
> By the way, it appears that Christos Stremmenos wrote a comment in the
> Tovima article linked, which he translated in Italian on JONP:
> http://www.journal-of-nuclear-****
> comment-125963<>
> I'll attempt a translation of his convoluted Italian to English below:
>  I feel responsible for the transfer and the fate of Rossi's invention
>> (Cold Fusion) in Greece, and also guardian of the moral values it contains.
>> With scientific and idealistic motives, involving my friends, colleagues
>> and long-term partners eng. A.Rossi and prof. S.Focardi, protagonists of
>> this epoch-making invention, we attempted together to transmit to Greece
>> the science and technological possibilities for a promising future in this
>> country, birthplace of Democritus and Leucippus, and with this symbolism,
>> to promote the new energetic era for the sake of the entire humanity.
>> As for what matters the Greek company "Defkalion Green Technologies SA",
>> unfortunately and much to my regret, I find myself with mixed feelings for
>> the frivolous and incoherent, to say the least, general behavior and
>> documented financial breach of contract with A.Rossi that lasted almost a
>> year.
>> I'll conclude with a wise popular saying from my birthplace Ervytania:
>> "The poor's lamb can't become a ram".
>> Prof.Ch. Stremmenos
> Cheers,
> S.A.

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

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