Mary Yugo <> wrote:

> They would have had to organize a method of segregating them out and
> assigning them to specialists who had familiarized themselves with patent
> issues in the field.  I suspect that's what the memo was about rather than
> some nefarious plot by some unknown entity to suppress cold fusion patents.

The Patent Office did, in fact, suppress cold fusion applications in 1989.
They still do. This is not debatable. All applications are summarily
rejected with a form letter that cites mass media reports from 1989 as
proof the effect does not exist. Whether this is done by a nefarious plot
or whether this open policy within the Patent Office I cannot say. I don't
see why it matters.

If it is an open policy I cannot find it on their website.

I wrote a Cage to see whether he can shed any light on the subject, not to
have him confirm or deny the policy. The *de facto* policy is there for
everyone to see. It would be ridiculous to deny it exists.

- Jed

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