Happy T-day to the US folk. Don't overdo it :-)))

On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 5:54 PM, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson <
orionwo...@charter.net> wrote:

> > Jed sez:
> >
> > > If Rossi does not want MIT to test his reactors,
> > > he should never have met
> > > with state officials. It was an embarrassing waste
> > > of everyone's time.
> I suspect Rossi would beg to differ. Seems to me that Rossi has always been
> operating on "Rossi time."
> > From Terry,
> > I dunno.  Assuming they paid for the ticket, it was a cheap way for
> > him to meet with his business buddies in NH.  :-)
> His ticket wuz paid for??? Wow! Sign me up! ;-)
> But more seriously, it seems more sensible for me to speculate that Rossi
> was on another one of his business fishing trips - feeling out the waters
> so
> to speak.
> Meanwhile, we all have a pretty good idea of what Rossi thinks of the
> so-called importance of achieving academic/scientific credibility. A great
> irony in all of this is the fact that achieving scientific credibility, for
> now, could actually end up hindering his current business plans, at least
> in
> the short term. That seems to be a potential modus operandi that might
> explain his eccentric behavior, a behavior that seems to drive certain Vort
> members (and the scientific community) to distraction. ;-)
> Meanwhile, we all wait with baited breath to see what kind of a dog and
> pony
> show Defkalion plans on unveiling soon... to a theatre near you. Will they
> impress us, or disappoint us? We have been disappointed so many times
> before. I'm sure we probably are in store for more disappointment before
> the
> fat lady finally gets on stage to sing.
> In the meantime I recommend that at least for today we all sit at the table
> and pass the meat and gravy amongst each other, secure in the knowledge
> that
> the adventure continues.
> Regards,
> Steven Vincent Johnson
> www.OrionWorks.com
> www.zazzle.com/orionworks

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