On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 1:08 PM, Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint <
zeropo...@charter.net> wrote:

> It is SELDOM a black or white situation… just because past claims of
> magnet motors and water cars have been shown to be mistaken or fraudulent,
> doesn’t mean that ALL such claims can be concluded to be the same.  IF you
> think that, then you have no idea how science operates.

Magnet motors that claim "overunity" (Goldes, Steorn, Aviso, Dennis Lee,
Bedini and who knows how many more?) and running a car purely on ordinary
water (HHO scams and the like) would break well established and proven
natural laws.  In addition to that fact, most such claims in the past have
turned out to be mistakes, self deceptions and/or rank criminal deception
for profit (scams).  A few have not yet been resolved as to their nature.
And ALL are unproven, as far as I can determine.

If you know of any exceptions, I'd love to see those "supporting references
and calculations" you advocated.  If you don't know of exceptions, you
should regard such claims as highly suspicious and rather than accepting
them at face value when someone makes the claims, you should insist that
they be particularly cautiously and thoroughly evaluated.

That is what Sagan meant when he said extraordinary claims require
extraordinary evidence.

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