I did say I was not going to reply to you but your last statement is just 100% BS. The reactor and the Blue Box sat on a table. There was ONE power cord that was plugged into the wall. It went to the Blue Box (then the RFG was inside the Blue Box) and then to the reactor. There were no other power connections. They measured the TOTAL power being drawn by the WHOLE system by measuring the current at the mains plug. So STOP with the extra power statement. They are BS and you know it.


On 11/25/2011 7:04 AM, Mary Yugo wrote:
Another possible problem with the paper at http://lenr-canr.org/acrobat/EssenHexperiment.pdf is that they don't say where and how they measured input power with their ammeter. Maybe they say it elsewhere. Rossi has two heaters in the device -- a startup heater in the middle and a "safety" (?!?!) heater around the coolant jacket. I'd like to be able to exclude that maybe Kullander, Essen et al did not measure both heaters and instead only looked at one while Rossi was actually putting plenty of power into the other one. Did they measure from the line cord supplying the entire device? Or just from the wire going to one of the heaters? I took a quick look but didn't see in their report how they measured input power. Maybe I missed it. I also looked at the figures but they don't show it either.

NyTeknik's Lewan showed images of his power measurement during the demo he received and it was a clamp on ammeter on the power line to the entire equipment. I do recall that. But there were other infelicities with that show.

My suspicion is that K&E did it correctly with the line cord but that either Rossi had a hidden way to provide more power to the device or that he spiked the reaction mixture somehow. Obviously I have no way to know. This continuing discussion emphasizes yet once more why independent tests are required and why they need to run a longer time.

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