Are you saying you support IP theft? This is not Vulcan where "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few":

This is business and this is, if proven, theft. If I was Rossi, I would be talking to the police and asking for charges to be filled against the University, Defkalion and any person involved. I would also seek a court injunction against Defkalion to stop them from advertising and / or selling their product. There is no way this sort of action can be condoned. I trust Rossi will use the full extent of the law to effect action against those involved.


On 11/29/2011 11:01 PM, Daniel Rocha wrote:
The moment you fill the patent, you get the rights to the vindicated novelties, you don't need to wait until it is granted. Of course, if you are denied the patent or the inventive points, you lose the rights accordingly.

So, if everything proven and the patent is well written, Rossi does not need to fear.

But, given that the ecat, if true, is the biggest invention of the history of mankind, along with writting, perhaps even more, I couldn't care less with Rossi being copied or not. That is not an issue, that's actually good, given that the knowledge will certainly spread faster.

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