If Rossi used some Piantelli IP then Rossi will need to pay Piantelli a royalty. However that does not excuse outright IP theft, especially when the theft was arranged in advance.


On 11/29/2011 11:41 PM, Daniel Rocha wrote:
We don't know how much of Piantelli's patents Rossi used anyway. Send both to jail? :)

2011/11/29 Aussie Guy E-Cat <aussieguy.e...@gmail.com <mailto:aussieguy.e...@gmail.com>>

    If proven it is planned IP theft. Clear and simple. Those involved
    should go to jail and the University, if involved, should be
    forced to pay a very large amount of money. The courts do not
    consider the "Needs of the Many" justify theft of the IP of the
    one. And neither should you. Theft is theft.


    On 11/29/2011 11:28 PM, Daniel Rocha wrote:

        Only in this case. This invention, if true, is too precious to
        be kept private.

        2011/11/29 Aussie Guy E-Cat <aussieguy.e...@gmail.com

           Are you saying you support IP theft? This is not Vulcan
        where "the
           needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few":

Daniel Rocha - RJ
danieldi...@gmail.com <mailto:danieldi...@gmail.com>

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