This has been discussed elsewhere, but a lot is happening and the threads
here are tangled up with [Vo]:Re:[Vo] problem, so I thought I would
reiterated it. Piantelli has been making some amazing claims lately. See:

Original source in Italian:

Some quotes:

For some time now, rumours have been circulating about Professor Focardi’s
former collaboration partner, Professor Piantelli. Focardi and Piantelli
were the first to show the true potential of Ni-H LENR. . . .

These reports are beginning to gel and Roy Virgilio confirmed in Saturday’s
talk at Viarregio that Piantelli was indeed preparing an eCat competitor.
Virgilio expands on earlier scant details on this site (Italian). The
following covers the important points so far:

* Prof. Piantelli is working with the University of Siena on his Ni-H cell
* In the last few days, old cells have been rekindled with ease after
working for months in the past. * The cells were not pushed to perform and
yet confirmed small excess energy.
* Still in progress with a schedule of up to two months
* Old cells have excess energy of about 2-3 times input
* New ones plan an excess of about 200 times the energy input

. . .
* Patents are filed and pending
* Some collaboration with a major U.S. institution including 3 days in the
Siena lab
. . .

* Confirms the presence of 6-7 Mev Protons

. . .


Piantelli has loads of academic credibility. He is been supported for many
years by an Italian automobile manufacturer. I wish I could recall which
one. As you see from the photos of his lab he has top-notch equipment. He
has been working slowly, in contrast to Rossi. Mike Melich remarked that
Piantelli comes from part of Italy where there is a large monastery they
began building in A.D. 1346. They are still not finished.

- Jed

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