Sorry for the out of date comments!

Gee, I fell for an April Fool's joke in December?  8^)))

Interesting that the site is still up.

On Apr 1, 2011, at 9:22 AM, Dennis wrote:

remember today's date

Dennis Cravens

From: Stephen A. Lawrence
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2011 11:16 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Rather amazing LENR site (in French)

On 04/01/2011 12:52 PM, francis wrote:

Here is the pdf in English!_HydroPlasmol_Telechargements/Resume/ Projet_Hydro-Plasmol_Anglais.PDF

They seem to embrace nuclear fusion, proton capture and splitting of molecular bonds by ZPE in their pulsed /HV electrolysis plasma but once again are putting engineering in front of theory as seems the only choice in this field. I often wondered about possible over unity when viewing the old star in a jar you tube videos but it looks like this group took the concept and ran with it! Another contender?

Uh ... contender for what, exactly?

I see in the English version they've switched to using baking soda rather than fireplace ashes for the electrolyte, but the iron cathode's still there. It was a couple of old bolts taped together in the first photos; in the English PDF they seem to have upgraded to using a spring.

And there's no calorimetry mentioned anywhere -- no measurements of any sort, in fact. No evidence whatsoever that the thing does anything except use electricity to heat water.

If there's a "Neodyme Foundation" involved in manufacturing anything at all (except maybe greeting cards), Google doesn't seem to know about it.

This website appears to be some sort of strange joke.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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