
my idea is this:
place a needle in a pressurized deuterium stream and charge it to some 100 kV.

My previous experiments have shown, that a stream of nonconductive gas is able to conduct electricity. For example a ordinary needle placed in dry air will cause an ion wind, if charged to 10 kV. No sparks develop. A current flow of some µA starts at 5kV and it increases when the voltage is increased.
I measured this in air, using a selfmade HV supply.
My experiments have shown, that due to airflow and static repulsion there is a vacuum at the tip of the needle. Also according tothe laws of Bernoulli, the pressure should be low, where the speed of gas is high.

So my idea is this:
Place a needle, charged to some 100 kV into a fast pressurized electrical neutral deuterium flow. The electrons should reach a speed of some 100 km/second, so the speed of the gas doesnt matter, but the gas stream carries charges away that would block the current from sustained flowing and it prevents and deletes spark discharges. This makes it possible to feed an electron current up to some mA into the deuterium. If correctly done, no spark discharges should happen.
1mA* 100kV = 100 W. The gas should heat up at the tip of the needle.
We should get a µm thin layer of vacuum at the needles tip and hot conductive plasma above this vacuum layer. This means we should get a voltage drop of some 100 kV at a µm thin layer of vacuum. This equals a field strength of some gigavolts per meter, and pyroelectric fusion was already successfully done with this strength of field! Accelerated electrons are supposed to fly into the electrical neutral hot deuerium plasma.

Assumed, this all is possible, how much voltage would be needed at minimum to get hot D-D fusion?


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