Robert Leguillon wrote:

Mats referenced a box inside, bolted to the bottom with a heat sink on top, measuring 30cmx30cmx30cm. He couldn't see inside of it, just a box with some port connections for hydrogen, heater, and, presumably, RF. So, assuming, say 4cm for the heat exchanger, this could be 30x30x26, or 23,400 cm^3.

You can see from the photos the inner core it is a lot smaller than that. Most of it is reportedly shielding. In previous Rossi devices the cell was unshielded and much smaller, a liter or two. Those devices produced as much heat as this one did, so obviously the active portion of the cell is small.

I suppose one could hypothesize that the previous ones were real and this one is fake but that seems ridiculous to me. I will assume all cells are real and this one also has a couple of liters of material. I am not interested in wild and crazy conspiracy theory style thinking, and the hypothesis that Rossi has real devices and fake ones and he is playing some strange mind game for no reason with no conceivable benefit to himself. Such ideas are a sterile waste of time.

- Jed

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