That was report from a layman. Gamma rays are bad for most people.

2011/12/16 Akira Shirakawa <>

> On 2011-12-16 16:43, David ledin wrote:
>  some of his reactions has exceeded 1400 watts per gram of nickel,
>> which is higher than that of uranium fission in the “cladding”
>> Zirconium. Although Celani you hear talk about “technological
>> reality”, as it has exceeded 200% yield for two weeks.
> Well, this alone would be great news, if independently verified and
> replicated (particularly by scientists skeptic of LENR/"cold fusion"), and
> bring immediate great benefits to the entire field.
>  By applying radio frequency (microwave) to dust (I did not know
>> whether that of Smith or his), he had a massive production of gamma
>> rays, which does not want Celani and does not consider useful.
> I disagree: they would be EXTREMELY useful as they would *clearly*
> indicate that nuclear reactions are occurring! Why is Celani dismissing
> them as some kind of annoyance? I don't get this. Aren't scientists and
> researchers like him struggling for acceptance on their results in the
> mainstream science community!?
> I'm astonished.
> Cheers,
> S.A.

Daniel Rocha - RJ

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