Good find.  The Googleese is a bit hard to understand, was an extra bit at
the end too where Celani says Dekaflion have now far surpassed Rossi.  My
minor edits to translation:

According to Celani the reaction between Ni and H would be catalyzed by "
PHONONS <> ". The phonons are not
particles but the points where it contacts the thermal-electromagnetic
waves in phase, produced by thermal agitation in the lattice of nickel. Are
points of "summation" of multiple heat waves produced by a variety of
nickel atoms that vibrate at the same frequency ... these frequencies would
provide hydrogen (as HYDRIDES?) the ability to overcome the Coulomb
barrier<> and
make the merger of its proton to the core of nickel (as I understand
it). [Editor's
note. I'm asking Celani verification of this and other points of his speech]

The power density is very high, and some of his reactions Celani has
exceeded 1400 watts per gram of nickel, which is higher than that of
uranium fission in the "cladding" Zirconium.Although Celani you hear talk
about "technological reality", as it has exceeded 200% yield (ie COP=2) for
two weeks.

Celani has worked very hard with the great Japanese scientist Arata. The
Japanese government has funded plenty of not only the research but also
those of three foreign groups who have had full access to the laboratory by

Celani was able to perform various types of experiment and measurement,
even the "craziest".

Among these groups was that of MIT and INFN (Italian national institute of
Nuclear Physics; Celani et al).

Worked with the Arata DEUTERIUM ... but as the import and production of
Deuterium prohibited by the peace agreements had to self-refine it
with the sulfur-iodine
cycle <> .

Arata was also excess power of 60 watts, which is easily measurable. The
improvement over Fleishman and Pons was when he abandoned the traditional
Arata electrode foil. Not only that, the best layers were not perfectly
flat, shiny but rather rough, porous, etc..

In short, had to increase the surface area of ​​contact between palladium
and deuterium.

When he returned to Italy, Celani modified experiments (prepared alongside)
and began to use wires of nickel and hydrogen at high pressure (eliminating
water, oxygen and ' Oxonian <> )

He realized that the power increased by using highly porous nickel. He
returned to Japan. There Arata began to experiment with nickel of every
size possible. He found that the nickel nanopowder in aggregates of less
than 20 Ångström you had the best reactions.

Indeed, the reaction took place (although not as powerful) even at room

As for gammas they are an end product of the reaction, not desired by
Celani, that you can do without.

By applying radio frequency (microwave) to dust (I did not know whether
that of Rossi or his), he had a massive production of gamma rays,
which Celani does
not want and does not consider useful.

As the catalyst for him are metals such as platinum or palladium (must
resist the micro-points where the heat reaches thousands of degrees,
ionizing hydrogen)

Celani comes to scientific reality PROCESS.

Celani says that the Greeks of today have passed Defaklion Rossi, from the
technological point of view. [Editor's note. others believe that Defkalion
has put together a nice frame and a beautiful body ... but do not have the

He says that this attitude of secrecy is "stupid" [ed. Celani is
understandably affected by a) not being invited to the demonstration of 28
October and 2) the negative response to the proposal of Rossi independent
testing under the aegis of INFN], and in the end, continue along this road
will not have the triumph of science and industrial deserves it. According
to Celani, Rossi arrives to yield around 600%.

On 16 December 2011 15:43, David ledin <>wrote:

> from 22pssi
> Celani has news of a new experiment that has been going on for a
> couple of weeks (I hope it details in some detail as soon as possible)
> to him as a very interesting results, but still in its infancy,
> some of his reactions has exceeded 1400 watts per gram of nickel,
> which is higher than that of uranium fission in the “cladding”
> Zirconium. Although Celani you hear talk about “technological
> reality”, as it has exceeded 200% yield for two weeks.
> Celani has worked very hard with the Japanese architect Arata great
> scientist. The Japanese government has funded plenty of not only the
> research but also those of three foreign groups who have had full
> access to the laboratory by Arata.
> Celani was able to perform various types of experiment and
> measurement, even the “craziest”.
> Arata was also excess power of 60 watts, which is easily measurable.
> The improvement over Fleishman and Pons was when he abandoned the
> traditional Arata electrode foil.
> In short, had to increase the surface area of contact between
> palladium and deuterium.
> When he returned to Italy Celani, modified experiments (together with
> Prepared) and began to use wires of nickel and hydrogen at high
> pressure (eliminating water, oxygen and ‘ Oxonian )
> He realized that the power increased by using highly porous nickel.
> There Arata began to experiment with nickel of every size possible. He
> found that the nickel in aggregates of less than 20 nanometer you had
> the best reactions.
> Indeed, the reaction took place (although not as powerful) even at
> room temperature.
> By applying radio frequency (microwave) to dust (I did not know
> whether that of Smith or his), he had a massive production of gamma
> rays, which does not want Celani and does not consider useful.
> As the catalyst for him are metals such as platinum or palladium (must
> resist the micro-points where the heat reaches thousands of degrees,
> ionizing hydrogen)

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