> I am not betting for you if you think you're getting one from Rossi or
>> Defkalion!
> And if you are wrong? As you know I'm talking to DGT to do a factory
> visit. Just might talk Leonardo in one as well.

I would be delighted to be wrong about Rossi, Defkalion and your plans to
visit them and to buy stuff from them.  If it happens, I will be very
pleased.  Until it happens and is properly documented, I will doubt it to
the extreme.  Neither Rossi nor Defkalion have done the slightest thing
thus far to inspire the most minimal amount of confidence.  You persist in
confusing talk, promises and claims for action.   They're not action.

By the way, why don't you contact Jed personally about his experience with
Defkalion and trying to arrange a visit with them.  Ask him his experiences
in trying to get Rossi to get independent tests or better tests.   It may
be an eye opener ... and then again, for you, it may not.

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