I have a model that shows that a few dozen kilograms of Mary Yugo, well
placed around the vortex list, would be able to self sustain flooding for

I feel sorry i can't provide any data analysis right now as i am actually
filling a patent to protect my secret catalyst ('JR', don't tell), but
believe me the numbers are huge, COP is unbelievable, over-unity is going
I wish i could have a good sense of fairness and willingness to conduct
basic scientific experiments on this device but i don't understand it, all
i know is that it makes some smoke and a lot of noise. I wish i could
invoke a secret contact to replicate the experiment but he is very busy
delivering some packages. Anyway i am pretty sure the results would end up
in an endless discussion about bad calorimetry based on a video i saw on
youtube and there is really no need because everyone can count up to 600
something, right ?

Only a simulation showing some fancy curves can convince most of the
skeptics that the effect is real, however the data might be faked, you know
JPEG pictures do lose some information when processed. The 'patho' skeptics
will not be convinced, but this is expected.
I am glad there is also no need to open a factory to mass produce them and
ask for investors as this would be flagged as a potential nuclear spam
reaction, the whole internet would probably shut down.

I almost forgot, here as some numbers required to conclude my scientific
analysis : 4, 8, 15,16, 23, 42

All this is just hearsay please don't tell you've heard it from me as i
would make it an inadvertent mistake, my memory is bad, my browser is slow,
i don't want to read any scientific papers about it, unicorns keep playing
mean tricks on me and i like to continuously repeat the same mixed things
to make it look worse than it really is. Of course this message is full of
crazy crackpot claims as to comply with the list rules.

Please ignore the objections to my claims they won't particularly help
anyone as they are easily proven many times over at little risk,cost and
this does not need third party testing, i have closed the loop, this test
has been running for too long, i'm shutting down.

Wait, i hear something, damn, someone just turned on the front door knob

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