On Fri, Dec 23, 2011 at 7:37 AM, David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com> wrote:

> I wonder if you could ask your source to explain the bump in the curve
> that occurs at 16:00 on the second chart?  It looks like this is not
> demonstrated in any of his curves.  The bump is in the temperature of the
> ECAT water bath T2 and is very distinct.

Here is the reply:

"If you are referring to the green curve T_2w, it is not a bump, it is a
sharp angle. It appears when the water temperature reaches the boiling
point correspondent to the pressure inside the ecat. From that point on, the
water temperature no longer rises due to evaporation. That pressure
includes an over pressure due to the relief valve, which has been supposed
to be 0.8 bar. That's the point where the T_2w deviates more from the
measured value T2(mis), for the rest of the time difference is less than

Also, consider that the thermocouple was placed between the fins of the
heat exchanger and remains above the water for the first part of the
transient. In addition, the internal pressure in the ecat, and hence the
temperature, can change depending on the steam/water outflow. These
phenomena are not included in the model."

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