I have to feel stunned by the naivete of some of you.  Major corporations are 
entirely capable of murder or theft. I suggest you read up on John Perkins and 
his book "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" in which he cites various 
"coincidences" of third world leaders who "met with an accident" after refusing 
usurious loans for their countries.

Or how about long documented manipulation of silver markets?  One whistleblower 
found out the next day when someone attempted to kill him with a car. ( see 
Andrew Maguire).

Or perhaps you could speak with minor officials in Florida who were documenting 
fraud by Too Big To Fail banks - until their superior told them that their 
services were no longer required... and afterward have NO ONE got to jail for 
what could be the greatest document fraud in US history in regard to 
'robo-signing' mortgages.

Maybe you could bravely advocate cold fusion and then end up as a murder victim 
in a "cold case" that goes on, year after year.

Perhaps you get a law passed with almost no public input, by large majorities, 
that nearly repeals the Bill of Rights - even after protest by US generals and 
the ACLU. (the NDDA just handed to Obama) - mostly kept out of the press.

Wake up and get real.


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