On Mon, Dec 26, 2011 at 7:24 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax 

> <SNIP>It's been called "fusion confusion." Look, Aussie Guy is anonymous,
> what he writes is next to meaningless. Don't mix this up with the huge
> corpus of work from hundreds of scientists around the world.

Hi Abd,

Thanks for the citations and suggestions.  I will look into them in the
future.  I am hopeful that the work you describe is valid and will lead to
something useful.

To restate, my interest here is limited.  I find it amazing and amusing
that anyone believes Rossi and Defkalion on the strength of what they have
done (and not done) thus far.  So I follow their story, hoping it will get
better but finding out it keeps getting worse.  And if Aussie Guy really
has cells that run continuously and indefinitely at a COP of 5x over a 1
Watt input, I'd find that interesting as well.  I sort of doubt that he has
such cells and that they will work the way he hopes.  I am also amused by
his claim that he is going to get an E-cat to test.  I have no idea why he
believes that given that nobody else in the world has said they have.

In summary, I am interested in robust, rather large claims to cold
fusion/LENR demonstrations.     All the rest I've seen so far and all the
theory, I'd rather let other people investigate.  I am competent to judge
the quality and reliability of most types of thermal and electrical power
measurements and I have a sensitive nose for sniffing out scam
possibilities.  I don't really know the details of nuclear physics.   So,
apart from than that which I mentioned, I leave it to others.  As Clint
Eastwood's character once said, a person has to know their limitations.

I have never claimed that cold fusion/LENR does not exist or does not
work.  All I claim is that I don't know and that some of the papers that
others have suggested have been obscurely written and that for others,
knowledgeable people have raised counter explanations and objections to the
findings.  I think that remains true.   In any case, I am not interested in
arguing that.

I think the current evidence suggests that Rossi and Defkalion *could* both
be lying and scamming (not necessarily that they are) and I am quite
prepared to argue about that as I am sure you know!

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