Yeah, anti NK propaganda.

2012/1/3 Giovanni Santostasi <>

> Please if you are interested in North Korea situation dgo on the youtube
> and watch some of the several videos about the real North Korea. Here is
> one by National Geographic:
> What one has to understand that North Korea created the capital city as an
> haven for privileged people. The picture you are seeing in the Jouni's link
> is not how the poor people live but how the privileged do (well, the
> dictator himself lives much, much better of course) .
> When a foreigner visitor comes to North Korea he sees only setups where
> they show a "Disneyland" fantasy of North Korea. The visitor is always in
> the presence of some guide from the government. Everything is scheduled and
> propped. The food, the houses, the children dancing, all set up to show a
> decent face of North Korea to external world. The reality is that millions
> are starving to death everywhere else. Internet is forbidden, any computers
> has to be registered, cell phone are only for a tiny elite. Any criticism
> of the government is punished with concentration camps for the offender and
> his extended family.
> You get to be part of the elite that lives in the capital by spying on
> people and be a servant to the ruling class.
> Please get informed and do anything possible to make people aware on how
> horrible are the life condition in North Korea. Nobody in the world should
> live in such a hell.
> Giovanni
> On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 7:43 AM, Daniel Rocha <>wrote:
>> Overall that seems much, much better than my country. Poor people here
>> are in way worse conditions than in those photos.
>> 2012/1/3 Jouni Valkonen <>
>>> Someone visited North Korea and took some hundreds of good quality
>>> pictures.
>>> It is not that common to see those from that poor country.
>>>      –Jouni
>> --
>> Daniel Rocha - RJ

Daniel Rocha - RJ

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