You can reach the video from here:
and it's headlined like this "Feature Stories: NASA's Method for a Clean
Nuclear Energy For Your Power Operated Technology"

This is, well... sort of weird.  I wonder if anyone in NASA's PR department
or higher management has seen it.  First of all, the production values are
lousy.  It looks as if it was shot with a cheap web cam.  It features
Zawodny who is mostly out of focus during his strange, hesitant talk which
is hard enough to understand, it's subtitled!    They talk about an
un-named fuel of some sort which is unchanged in mass by the reaction which
is basically unexplained.  They don't say where the excess heat is from.
They keep referring to this fuel as "it".  And they only say somehow
carbon, nickel and hydrogen are involved.  The rest is the usual obvious
and irrelevant comments about how inexpensive thermal energy can be used.
Everybody already knows that.

As "Angus" wrote on the Moletrap forum:  "Oh goodie. Another "we're looking
at it, and if we can get it to work it could heat your house and do other
wonderful things" video.  There's nothing new about the idea of using
surface plasmons to bung neutrons into atomic nuclei. NASA has been
"looking at it" since 2005<>.
So far nobody's house is getting heated."  I might add nobody has made a
cup of tea with it either.

Craig Brown, still, amazingly enough, a Steorn believer, is promoting this
clip as a breakthrough.  It's nothing of the kind.  There is no real theory
presented, there is no experiment, and there are no results.  I am
disappointed that NASA would air such a contentless clip.  I have no idea
what they're thinking.

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