On 01/14/2012 09:21 AM, Peter Gluck wrote:
I think the problem is not with Capitalism (you cannot find anything better or more realistic, it is with Moneytheism- the most popular and destructive religion today.

I think the same. The problem is in the way money is taken as a value in itself, when it should be considered just a convenient form of replacement for other, real values. The way money is valued, that's where the real problem lies. In fact, we're in a really stupid state of affairs, come to look at it and understand how it really works. But unless people are willing to look at these things in the face, so to speak, without any kind of self delusion, caused by dwelling in cloudy and vague ideas(where they personal interests and ambitions also play a role, of course), nothing will really change. People should start to feel ashamed for being part of this state of affairs. That's what must happen first, and only then, real change will be possible.

Best regards. I'm going out to the woods now(literally). Have a nice weekend,

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