Well, maybe the scam doesn't work anything like your speculation.

Listen, that interview was a huge waste of my time.  This Bryce guy knows
far less about any of this then anyone following this on the Vortex. 
Maryyugo could have done a much better job then Bryce discussing why not
to invest or MORE importantly why to insist on INDEPENDANT TESTING if you
plan to invest.

But what was most distressing about this guys interview was the lack of
any information on the connection of this group with Rossi, the investment
plan, the people organizing the meeting and their connection with Rossi
all of which would have been of some interest.  Please stop wasting my
time, I spend enough of my day on this topic as it is.


> Maybe it works like this
>      Potential licensee to LENR device provider>
> We are interested but don't have the X million for the license.
>      LENR device provider to potential licensee>
> No problems. Do a dozen green investor meeting. Not with big fish, just
> a lot of smaller green fish. Easier to fry. I'll do a video Skype call
> to each meeting and convince the fish our LENR device will save the
> planet from Global Warming (that is what they want to hear) and then to
> sign the cheques to do their small part to save the planet. We might
> need to sweeten the pot by promising each of them to install a 10 kW
> LENR device in their home for nothing. Maybe you put a few friends, who
> go first, with dud cheques in the audience to break the ice.
>      Potential licensee to LENR device provider>
> Brilliant. We will be very rich. When do we get to see and test a
> working LENR device?
>      LENR device provider to potential licensee>
> Why do you need to do that? We have plenty of scientists who have tested
> our LENR device and say it works fine.
>      Potential licensee to LENR device provider>
> Ok fair enough. When can we expect our first delivery and what are the
> payment terms?
>      LENR device provider to potential licensee>
> 12 to 18 months. Payment is cash with order. You pay for shipping from
> our high tech robotized factory, which by the way is heated with our
> LENR devices. In fact we have been heating our factories and research
> labs with our LENR devices since 2006 or maybe 2007 or maybe 2008. I
> forget which.
>      Potential licensee to LENR device provider>
> Ok fair enough. We understand you have sold a big plant. Can we come to
> see it working and talk to the customer?
>      LENR device provider to potential licensee>
> That is not possible. It is installed at a very secret location where
> we, the customer's engineers and our control system supplier are working
> day and night to make it work better and better. We are making amazing
> progress every day. Really amazing progress.
>      Potential licensee to LENR device provider>
> Fantastic. We are very impressed. We will get lots of green investor
> meeting arranged and with your help we will get all the funding we need
> to pay you for our licensee, to start the process to save our planet and
> generate lots of sales. We will all be famous and go down in the history
> books. We are so lucky to be able to work with such a great man as
> yourself.
>      LENR device provider to potential licensee>
> We are at your service. Just don't invite Ian Bryce or Dick Smith from
> the Australian Skeptics to any of your meetings or tell the newspapers
> what you are doing. They will try to stop you. They are not believers.
> Shaun

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