Picking data apart is one thing, but when you choose to state, AS A FACT,
that Rossi is knowingly working with Millin, you damn well better have
direct evidence (e.g., a contract with Rossi's sig, or video of Rossi
interacting with Millin).  It is perfectly clear that that is NOT the case
here, as you state, 
"*If* he doesn't have a commercial relation with Rossi, then he *may* find
himself in court as only a total fool would do that without a commercial
arrangement in place."

So, it is a perfectly reasonable alternative explanation that Millin IS
taking that chance, and Rossi is not involved at all, or is not aware of
Millin's past.  IF Rossi is aware of Millin's past and has indeed entered
into a contract with him, then I would agree with your conclusions... that
is the grounded, objective reasoning that any rational skeptic would take.

I am also assuming here that Millin has been caught in scams before, or was
that someone else whose name begins with 'M'???


-----Original Message-----
From: Shaun Taylor [] 
Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2012 5:05 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:The 1MW container is not from old footage.

On 23/01/2012 10:47 AM, Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint wrote:
> So here was Shaun's acknowledging the FACT that he doesn't know, or 
> have evidence that Rossi is even aware of the Australian licensee

Mark, since then I saw the slide show and other data about that event on
Millin's site.

He openly advertised this meeting on his web site and in the newspapers. 
He was soliciting investor funds and taking Ecat orders at the meeting Bryce
torpedoed. If he doesn't have a commercial relation with Rossi, then he may
find himself in court as only a total fool would do that without a
commercial arrangement in place.

Why are you attacking the messenger? Rossi is the proven serial liar and
data fraudster. He has burnt many people with his lies and data fraud.


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