RV stuff is too tricky and approximate to be reliable.  They made over 100K on 
silver futures but could never do it again. Russell Targ's daughter did 
predictive viewing of roulette at the top of the hour and got asked to leave 
casinos but could only specify red or black.

The big thing to consider about aliens is how deeply different their thinking 
must be. We live in a world of scarcity and necessity and they (likely) don't - 
having access to all the raw materials and energy they could possibly want. I 
don't see "cost" of travel or whatever coming up.

According to some, ETs are interested in our world because of our extreme 
diversity of species or because they have some interest in 'souls' and our 
afterlife (Linda Moulton Howe, are greys time travellers?) or because we need 
to be controlled as to nuclear weapons ( Roswell, Manstein Air Base, 
interference with antimissile tests and more)

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