 Von: Peter Gluck <peter.gl...@gmail.com>
An: vortex-l@eskimo.com 
Gesendet: 20:08 Freitag, 10.Februar 2012
Betreff: Re: [Vo]:100000 e-cats preordered

>I don't wish any bad  to Rossi, but I think that
>it is not good that the development of this new source of energy should depend 
>on Rossi alone or mainly.
>We have to distinguish his invention from his methods and his character.
>Piantelli, Defkalion and others to come will
>make this development less chaotic, more faster. and healthier.

>This thread
is about the list of the 100.000 domestic E-cats and my opinion is that it is
>a bluff.

As I tried
to argue, it is sort of a 'bluff' on the commercial side, which scientifically
minded people, or existentially minded people like us do not understand or
cannot appreciate.
If I put myself
into the shoe of Rossi, as the Indian saying goes, I understand him, albeit it
is unclear whether he is right or wrong.
puzzles us, because we strive for clarity.
But maybe
this is the very problem, when we have NO theory, or TOO MANY theories, which 
is somehow
If Rossi is
a fraud, then at least he told us a lesson about the very fundamentals of our
I do not
think that Rossi recognizes himself as a fraud, and acts accordingly. Far from
He exactly
acts according to his blief, and adjusts the world, he is living in, according
to his belief. 
This is not
very different from Galileo
So the
proof is in the pudding.
Maybe we
should just wait a bit, to see this all unfolding.
But on the
other hand, it is so much fun, to mess with the matter, right? 

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