One more point...

Remember, in Single Bubble Sonoluminescence cavitation systems, I have
asserted here on vortex that the deep ultraviolet EMF that is produced is
caused by Rydberg atoms formed at or near the point of bubble collapse.

NanoSpire, Inc. has taken Rydberg material generation one step further and
has produced Rydberg matter.

On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 2:24 AM, Axil Axil <> wrote:

> In February, 2004 Mark L. LeClair, CEO & Founder of NanoSpire, Inc.,
> discovered a crystalline form of water…
> Produced by the enormous pressure of cavitation bubble collapse, *many of
> the jets were seen to have facets* *and to possess tremendous
> electrostatic charge.* The crystal has an equilateral triangular cylinder
> subunit that most commonly forms jet hexagon cross-sections. The crystal is
> a series of repeating O-H bonds along its axis and is bound by hydrogen
> bonds in the cross-sectional plane, a type of hybrid bonded crystal known
> as a van der Waals crystal. The flexibility of the hydrogen bonds allowed
> the crystal to assume a rich variety of shapes, most commonly resembling a
> bacteriophage, with a large hexagonal faceted head and narrow whip tail.
> The crystal tail can split into a fractal fan on impact. The leading face
> closest to the bow shock and the sides of the crystal are positively
> charged and the tail is negative, allowing the crystal to form observed
> closed loops. The positive charge of the leading face and sides was
> revealed by impacting the crystal into litmus paper. This created bright
> red hexagonal impacts in green litmus paper, and purple hexagons in orange
> litmus paper, both indicators of zero pH and large positive charge
> concentration on the crystal.
> The MTI grant research showed that the crystallized jets would often carve
> long trenches in materials guided by their electrostatic charge and removed
> far more material than could be accounted.
> The crystal, moving at supersonic and greater speeds, is surrounding by a
> bow shock like a fighter plane. The positively charged crystal is attracted
> to its own negatively charged bow shock by the Casmir Force and coherently
> extracts zero point energy on a large scale. The crystal then accelerates
> to what appears to be relativistic speeds in very short distances. This is
> implied by the heavy element transmutation observed bull-dozed in front of
> the bow shock, the only way these heavy elements are known to form in
> nature is either from stellar core collapse or supernova explosions, both
> occurring at relativistic speeds. The transmutation process observed in all
> the experiments closely matched the behaviour of stellar fusion
> nucleosynthesis and both type I & II supernova shock nucleosynthesis. This
> discovery will have a major effect on stellar evolution astronomy, allowing
> stellar nucleosynthesis, stellar core collapse nucleosynthesis and
> supernova nucleosynthesis to all be studied on a desktop, with varying
> compositions. The phenomenon of the water crystal propelled by the
> attraction to its bow shock has been named the LeClair Effect. Based on the
> Heisenberg Uncertainty Principal, the LeClair Effect theory and the
> profound discoveries based on it pose a serious quantum theory challenge to
> the classical understanding of Newton's Laws of Motion and the 1st and 2nd
> laws of thermodynamics.
> So sorry please excuse me... I know I sound like a one trick pony, but
> these crystals sound like a variation of Rydberg matter formed in water
> to me.
> *“many of the jets were seen to have facets and to possess tremendous
> electrostatic charge.” *
> This is the strong coherent dipole charge produced by coherent electron
> motion at high Rydberg orbital numbers.
> Transmutation is caused by coherent quantum mechanical fusion processes
> involving a condensate of coherent protons pairs produced by Rydberg matter
> and an associated Efimov Effect.
> *“large hexagonal faceted head and narrow whip tail.”*
> This sounds like two dimensional Rydberg crystals to me.
> The crystals seem to be long lived indicating a high excitation level of
> high hydrogen S band orbitals.
> Filter these crystals out of the water after they are created by
> cavitation and they will produce fusion in your Rossi reactor without the
> secret sauce.
> On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 11:50 PM, Harry Veeder <>wrote:
>> NanoSpire, Inc. Successfully Harnesses Cavitation Zero Point Energy to
>> Produce Dramatic Levels of Fusion & Transmutation In Water
>> press release:
>> company website:
>> Harry

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