noone noone sez:

> If I invented a billion dollar technology and someone copied
> it without my permission, I would not accept a trillion
> dollars from a lawsuit.
> The only thing I would accept is for the other company to be
> forced to re-call all their products. Then I would make money
> by selling the products from my own company.

Good luck. You give me the impression that you think you can go to
court and win your case in a just few weeks, and then everything will
be honky dorey. Think again. Think years. Many, many years.

And during all those contentious years of unending litigation that
will make many a lawyer rich, and while you are demanding all those
recalls, and to a complete halt to sales, just think of all the good
PR you will be generating for yourself. People across the planet are
desperate for any kind of cheaper energy. But your sense of demanding
"justice" could end up potentially denying a huge portion of the
population that opportunity - all on personal principle. I'm sure they
will all understand your personal sense of outrage for not getting
even richer off of your invention. But of course you'll be right. You
have that going for you.

Don't get me wrong. I would be pissed off, too, if someone stole my
invention. But consider the ramifications of how best to get even with
the competition. Try to get even without turning yourself in to the
energy pariah of the century - someone who will be written up in the
history books as having denied millions of desperate individuals
access to cheap energy because he was unhappy over the fact that
someone was making profits off of something that he thought he should
be profiting over himself.

> If Rossi's technology has been stolen, I hope he refuses any
> credit, money, or other compensation. I would also hope he
> would turn down the nobel prize. I hope his mission in life
> becomes to stop anyone who has used his technology without
> permission.

Shish! I'm glad I don't think the way you do.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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