
Think, say 20 atoms of Ni in a cluster surrounded by H gas. The thermal energy in the cluster increases and transforms the increase of kenetic energy to the surrounding H. H is the heat transfer agent. Not good. Better: Surround cluster with other inert medium. Example: mix Cu, Fe, MgH2 and Ni nano size powder (Each previously treated by soaking at 180 C for 2 days under 100 psi H) and ball mill under an inert atmosphere. Add mineral oil or othe nonreactive heat transfer agent, either liquid or solid to mill. If product is liquid, 10 plate Duda heat exchange and Delco fuel pump to circulate and trigger reaction as per Chan II Method. If solid, encapsolate in as small a Cu envelope as possible to allow Frequincy Generator EMF triggering as per Phen, Chan & etc.

Total cost under $1,000.00 Less verbal hot air is possibly the most important catalyst to discovery. Motivation is simply curiosity


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