On Thu, 15 Mar 2012 09:10:20 -0500, OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson wrote:


For some time now it would appear that Sterling has been showing more
support of DGT's efforts as compared to Rossi's. Apparently, Sterling
is miffed over the allegations that Rossi sez his eCats aren't nuclear

 ...that and the fact that the location of the hinted-at Florida
factory is an apartment address.

Trying to put the best face forward the above article points out that:

It should also be noted that by using a home office Rossi can write
off part of his home in his taxes in the US. So it makes pretty good
business sense.

Shoot! I sure wish I cold work from home. My wife sure does.

Rossi watching can be fun. You never know what's going to happen next.

It doesn't make any sense to switch to supporting DGT. The company was formed as part of the Rossi venture. Either they're both scams, or neither are.


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