I guess I hit a touchy subject with this one.  Rossi's device came up because 
his heat gain(6) is so low relative to, as example, DGT(>20).  It has always 
been my desire to have that number upped significantly and I would assume that 
most of us feel the same way.   The heat pump issue arouse just because of the 
relatively low gain performance demonstrated thus far and there was no attempt 
on my part to claim that Rossi was using anything resembling heat pump 
technology.  I was totally unaware that anyone really has made any assumptions 
otherwise with a straight face.  If someone actually believes that LENR is some 
strange form of heat pump then let them bring it up for debate.  Open 
discussion of any issue would be good for us all.

By the way, I do know how heat pumps operate so the lecture is not necessary.  
Remember, comparing numbers is not making assumptions about processes.

The 1 hour time frame suggested as adequate to prove self sustaining of the 
reaction is absurd.  If super accurate instrumentation were available to 
measure temperatures at many internal points and power input could be extremely 
well determined then that might be correct.  The modest changes in device state 
during that time frame might be projected accurately and the issue would be 
settled.  But we all know that this is not what happened.  Sloppy measurement 
techniques were used and too much uncertainty still exists which allows the 
skeptics plenty of leeway.   Why is it so difficult to extend the self 
sustaining period to a few days?  Virtually all of the skeptics would dissipate 
after that demonstration and the world would know the LENR is proven just as we 
realize.  Does anyone honestly believe that a self sustaining test of 1 week 
duration is not more definitive than one of an hour?   Why not just make a 1 
minute test instead?   Also, I can understand why some skeptics, perhaps 
including NASA, would like to extend the self sustaining period.   A little 
insurance is not a bad thing.

The device demonstrated by Thane Heins is clearly not a heat pump.  It, like a 
heat pump as compared, will never be able to self power.   Both may appear as 
if excess energy appears at the output or into some form of load, but it is 
merely an illusion.  The reference to Rossi and DGT was coincidental and the 
only reason was to compare numbers and not processes.

I am sorry if anyone considers open discussion disruptive.   My understanding 
is that this mailing list is concerned with unusual processes and subjects.  It 
is likely that vort members will find reasons to disagree on occasions and we 
should make every attempt to understand the other members point of view instead 
of launching negative personal attacks.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com>
To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Sat, Mar 24, 2012 11:45 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Thane Heins continues with his bold claims

David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com> wrote:

Jed, I know it is not a heat pump.

Then why did you bring up that subject? Do you not understand that a heat pump 
moves heat, and must cool down a body as much as it heats up another body? I do 
not understand why you mentioned heat pumps and their highest COP if you know 
that is not relevant.

People often do say that cold fusion devices might be heat pumps. These people 
are always wrong, for the reasons I gave. If you understand these reasons why 
did you confuse the issue by saying this?


  The operation of the ECAT after death needs to be extended indefinitely (or 
at least for days) in order to prove beyond doubt that it is possible.

No, it does not. Given these materials, the weight and surface area of the 
device, the surface temperature and the cooling curves, maintaining a stable 
high temperature for 1 hour proves the issue beyond any rational doubt. An 
object with that surface area at that temperature is producing kilowatts of 
heat. After an hour the gadget would be lukewarm and after 4 hours it would be 
stone cold with any conventional source of stored heat or chemical heat. You do 
not need any instruments to be sure of this. Direct sensation of the heat and 
first principle physics are all the proof anyone can ask for. Running for 
several days or several years would not prove anything that 1 hour does not 
already prove.

People who demand several days of operation move the goal posts down the field, 
out of the stadium, and into the next county. It is like demanding that 
researchers sell commercial products before you believe the effect is real. As 
we all know, some skeptics have made that demand. With that we move from 
rational, science-based discussion to never-never land.


Please note that this topic is mainly concerning Thane Heins and his device and 
the Rossi discussion is a minor point of consideration.   No one has ever 
believed that Rossi is a heat pump designer!

Again I ask: why did you talk about heat pumps if you know this? What was your 
point? I am asking seriously.

Frankly, I consider it disruptive and kind of strange that someone who 
understands Carnot's law would mention heat pumps in this discussion. Why?!? Do 
you suspect the Thane Heins device is a heat pump? You mentioned Rossi 

- Jed

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