Recently from:

> Andrea Rossi
> March 27th, 2012 at 8:13 AM
> Dear Antonella:
> We know perfectly who some puppeteers are: our intelligence system
> is working together with the Law Firm we have engaged for this issue.
> We are collecting and analyzing every single phrase the Puppets,
> Snakes (and Clowns) are publishing in paper press and in Internet.
> We prefer not to sue puppets and puppeteers ( and Clowns) so far
> because we will be stronger when our working plants will be public: at
> that point we will give to the Court all the necessary evidence to win
> both on criminal and in civilistic fields this battle. For now we are just
> preparing all the necessary publications, comments, evidence,
> documents, addresses, etc, etc. I start the battles when I am sure to
> win. So far they had the sensation that our Group can be libelled for
> free: it is not so. All the proceeds that we will earn from these trials
> will be donated to families we have already selected that need money
> to cure the cancer of their children.
> If you are interested to this issue or have information for us, please
> contact
> Thank you for your kind attention,
> Warm Regards,
> A.R.
> <end>

Oh for heaven's sake.

What's the big friggin mystery!

I would assume that one of these alleged "snakes" & "puppeteers" Rossi
is indirectly referring to is no one other than... SURPRISE!!!  Mr.
Krivit's NET publication.

Even if Rossi (as we all hope) eventually follows through and produces
a commercial eCat product, and in the process validates his
controversial technology, what kind of monetary damages can he
possibly expect to extract from NET. It's not like NET is swimming in
money. Maybe Rossi hopes he can do something like shut down NET - just
for spite. Perhaps he can, but who knows. Does Ross seriously believe
he can extract money from NET, or from Krivt? NET, which is a
non-profit entity, would turn around and do something like file
bankruptcy. Actually, IMO, all NET would have to do is say mea-culpa
... We was wrong! We is now sorry for all dat we sed in the past about
Rossi! Case closed. Neither do I suspect that Mr. Krivit is swimming
in money. Krivit always struck me as living a frugal life style.

All this Rossi-speak about donating anticipated damage settlements to
needy cancer victims might make great copy, but it's nothing more than
a bunch of hot air.

All Rossi & Co. has to do is produce a viable commercial ecat product.
That's ALL he has to do to garner the vindication he seems to crave.
Once eCats are being sold in some form, shape, or manner out in the
public all objections insinuated by NET and similar organizations
would immediately be neutered. OTOH, actively going after
organizations like NET would hardly worth it. Not now, not ever.


Steven Vincent Johnson

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