Now where did I hear that sort of talk before? 

South Australia 16th April. 
Residents of the sleepy outback town of Woomera were awakened this 
morning by the sound of huge numbers of low flying pigs. Car 
windscreens were splattered with green manure and mounds of steaming 
dung was piled metres deep over a vast area. 
Residents have raised concerns that this event is connected with the 
building of the new Sunpube Solar farm in the area. Inventor Greg 
Watson denies this claiming that the farm emits no pollution 
whatsoever and will supply the energy needs of the entire planet from 
an area of less that 1 square kilometer. Said Mr Watson, "my Sunpube 
technology derives its energy not only from the sun, but also from 
starlight and the magnetohydribblity overunity generation effect. 
There are no adverse effects on the environment and huge numbers of 
local jobs have been created. Local glaziers in particular have 
enjoyed a boom due to the frequent need for replacement of thousands 
of glass lenses. Local youths have also benefited from the 
entertainment opportunities available at the solar park. It has become 
a popular gathering place for them to enjoy wholesome outdoor pursuits 
including target practice and rock concerts. In fact it has become so 
popular that each Saturday night hundreds of utes converge on the farm 
each carrying a plentiful supply of rocks. 
Mr Watson has been gratified by the public response to his generous 
share offering which has allowed thousands of mum and dad investors to 
grab a slice of this lucrative enterprise. 
Whilst strongly denying any connection with the mysterious airborne 
porcine phenomenon, Mr Watson has nonetheless offered to supply 
residents with a free supply of greenwash to at least cover up the 

Reporter Keef Wotsisname 
Signing off 

His response was interesting! 

Re: [Sunball] News Flash ....Woomera South Australia 


We have initiated legal proceeding against one person who tried to 
sign a license agreement, obtained and disclosed confidential information, 
broke the signed NDA, went behind our backs to try to buy cells, is trying 
to clone the SunCube and have emailed me claiming they will take away the 
SCIG licenses (I have the emails you sent them). You will shortly receive 
the summonds from our legal council. 

Let me make myself very clear Dogshitontoast, you can not hide behind 
a cheap email alias. We are initiating a search which will identify who 
you are. GGE will not stand for this kind of insulting, defamatory and 
derogatory comments clearly meant to discredit myself, GGE and the 
SunCube. All of your posts in this forum have been referred to our legal 
council for their action. 

Additionally I find your handle is an insult to others in this forum. 

Greg Watson 
Green and Gold Energy 

And so was Keef"s follow up 

Re: News Flash ....Woomera South Australia 

My BALLS are bigger than your balls Greg 
And that's MR Dogchaten-Toust if you don't mind. 


 From: Terry Blanton <>
Sent: Tuesday, 27 March 2012 4:57 PM
Subject: [Vo]:I Will Get Puppets, Snakes (and Clowns)

Be afraid:

Andrea Rossi
March 27th, 2012 at 8:13 AM
Dear Antonella:
We know perfectly who some puppeteers are: our intelligence system is working 
together with the Law Firm we have engaged for this issue. We are collecting 
and analyzing every single phrase the Puppets, Snakes (and Clowns) are 
publishing in paper press and in Internet. We prefer not to sue puppets and 
puppeteers ( and Clowns) so far because we will be stronger when our working 
plants will be public: at that point we will give to the Court all the 
necessary evidence to win both on criminal and in civilistic fields this 
battle. For now we are just preparing all the necessary publications, comments, 
evidence, documents, addresses, etc, etc. I start the battles when I am sure to 
win. So far they had the sensation that our Group can be libelled for free: it 
is not so. All the proceeds that we will earn from these trials will be donated 
to families we have already selected that need money to cure the cancer of 
their children.
If you are interested to this issue or have information for us, please contact
Thank you for your kind attention,
Warm Regards,

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