Terry Blanton <hohlr...@gmail.com> wrote:

*From the PieEconomics web site as follows:*

> *"Hundreds of wave trains and vortices appeared everywhere and are
>> permanently burned into walls, objects and trees surrounding the lab." [See
>> Krivit's second link, above.] Well, according to Google maps (25 Jesse
>> Daniel DR, Buxton, ME) the Buxton Vehicle Registration is located about
>> five hundred feet from the lab, so I hope none of the people getting their
>> cars registered got irradiated when the desktop supernova occurred.*
> This is BS.  Here is the original blog post:
> http://pieeconomics.blogspot.com/p/cold-fusion-comedy.html

> Here is the actual press release:
> http://www.1888pressrelease.com/nanospire-inc-successfully-harnesses-cavitation-zero-point-pr-372884.html
> Looks like Mr. Zweig has taken some liberties with the truth.

I am not sure who said what here. The quote about walls, objects and trees
does appear to be an exaggeration. Fer sure. But that press release has
some alarming stuff in it:

"The radiation emitted by the reactor left nuclear tracks, burned the hole
pattern of the core into the clear PVC core enclosure, activated high
neutron absorption cross-section 39Cl (56 minute half-life) in the chlorine
of the PVC core enclosure and transmuted the water in the reactor into
nearly all the other elements. The experiment also accidentally resulted in
acute radiation sickness beginning the day after the August 25, 2009
experiments for both investigators Mark LeClair and Sergio Lebid and lasted
for more than a year."

Acute radiation sickness?!? Are they sure about that? Who diagnosed it? I
suppose if someone showed up at the hospital with symptoms of acute
radiation exposure, there would be an investigation and something in the
mainstream news. Google finds news of this only in blogs.

If I were seriously ill for a year I would not continue with the project.
Not in the same lab. I would hope to move the thing to a national lab or
somewhere similar, with proper safety.

Note that this report says the transmutations were confirmed by a number of
people including Ed Storms.

- Jed

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