like in computer science in the old time,
you can make much cash on an innovative domain without patent.

there is many things to innovate in LENR.
if there is no protection, you will be copied in in a few semesters, but
you can make cash.
then you innovate for next semester.

maybe is it the idea of defkalion.

you can also patent only the application, but you should only patent smart
ideas of application, not evident solution (like the idea to have a steam
car with LENR... but maybe a trick usage of steam, or tricks to cool

no easy monopolistic seat...

in fact for big industry, with forced industrial transfer of technology
that china impose, it is already the same with few years timescale

2012/4/2 James Bowery <>

> On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 8:20 AM, Terry Blanton <> wrote:
>> On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 9:05 AM, James Bowery <> wrote:
>> > If you can figure out why money is going down this rat-hole:
>> ...*Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry* can compel the proper
>> meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with
>> our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may
>> prosper together."
>> -DDE, 1/17/1961
> Freedom of speech and the press is protected by the First Amendment.  So
> speech subsequent to broadcast and prior to the Internet was dominated by a
> government-granted monopoly on speech to the mass media.
> So why is it that the mass media has, particularly in the last decade
> while the Internet has just barely gotten to a level of significant
> influence on public opinion, been so abjectly irresponsible?

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