 Von: Harry Veeder <hveeder...@gmail.com>
An: vortex-l@eskimo.com 
Gesendet: 19:03 Samstag, 21.April 2012
Betreff: Re: [Vo]:Which is Better: Dishwasher or Washing Dishes by Hand?

but can we learn to live with fewer dishes?

Ofcourse we could.
I think it was Henry David Thoreau, who who carved a wooden bowl and had a 
spoon for his whole conscious life, and ate what he planted harvested from his 

But anyway,  here you have the status 'thing', which spoils the issue.
Thorstein Veblen, the last
real world economist, was thinking about  in his 'theory of the
leisure class'.

Dishwashers and the variety of dishes we use, are mere social constructs, bare
of any basic need.
See Abraham Maslov or Peter Corning on the concept of basic needs, and the
hierarchy of needs.
(Peter Corning is more sophisticated) 

All 'higher' needs are social constructs.
If You are inclined to do, You can strip them down to the basics, which every
-ahem- sentient human being should consider.

I'm not a primitivist, but I see the point of the primitivists.

If you are a cornucopian transhumanist -which I suppose You are NOT, because
You wold'nt have asked the question in the first place, this is nothing to

Buy a LENR heater and continue with BAU.
Which is mostly nonsensical, as far as I can see.

Abundant energy -LENR-type, throws us back to some fundamental questions, which
are unanswered.

Note: I'm aware that this is not 'politically correct' within the vortex 

But I am here and think that way.
Frugality is a virtue, which I will not give up, even if LENR delivers 
To argue towards frugality in the face of abundance  is a difficult question.
But comes time, comes argument.


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