While Brillouin seems well founded, disciplined and scientific it does
appear that they have a pretty major problem in that their COP at 2.1
is too low to be commercially useful.  I believe they achieved that
almost a year ago if the info on their website is anything to go by,
and yet in their recent PESN interview if I heard correctly that
COP=2.1 was still their best result (so apparently no improvement in
last year?).  Unfortunately at this stage there doesn't appear to be
any basis for a hope that it will improve to commercially useful

On 24 April 2012 13:43, Roarty, Francis X <francis.x.roa...@lmco.com> wrote:
> Ron,
>                 I got no complaints with their theory – right or wrong it
> is, IMHO,  closer to the truth than all the others.  The herd is thinning
> and I predict we will see a shift toward the Brillouin technology even while
> trying to wrap it in their own proprietary theories along with a contingent
> of new copy cats that will now jump in. The real excitement may come in the
> form of spinoffs as science finally discovers where these reports of half
> life anomalies are stemming – perhaps this is why the Mayan calendars
> expire in 2012 as we discover how to manipulate time?
> Fran
> From: Ron Kita [mailto:chiralex.k...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2012 7:07 AM
> To: vortex-l
> Subject: EXTERNAL: [Vo]:Oil Price.com features Brillouin CF Reactor
> Greetings All,
> In case that you haven t see this before:
> http://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/New-LENR-Machine-is-the-Best-Yet.html
> Respectfully,
> Ron Kita, Chiralex

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