Shouldn't the costs be going down Jed?

As an engineer i have to deal with reality which focuses my creativity
toward worthwile endevours.  If LENR goes forward I would dismantle every
utility scale solar plant (after the fission nukes and coal).  I would use
natural gas as a bridge

Sorry I keep forgetting i can use unlimited ungrounded creativity and make
stuff up.  Robots for everybody!

On Friday, June 1, 2012, Jed Rothwell wrote:

> I wrote:
>> Also, your "Robots" will need to clean 781 million mirrors per month
>>> (monthly cleaning cycle) in the heat and sand of the desert.
>> So what? Use 100,000 robots.
> That would be 11 mirrors per robot per hour. That seems like a reasonable
> task even for a slow moving robot.
> Maybe you need 200,000 robots. So what? I don't suppose they would be much
> bigger or more powerful than a Roomba.
> Again, large numbers are nothing to be afraid of. Think of how many hard
> disks are presently running in Google's servers worldwide: ~1.8 million. 40
> petaflops processor capacity.
> The other day on NHK's "Today's Close-up" (クローズアップ現代) they talked
> "big-data" and worldwide present storage and computatio
> nal capacity. They said there are roughly as many bytes of data now stores
> as there are grains of sand on all of the beaches of the world.
> They are doing remarkable things with big-data flows, such as mapping
> traffic from GPS enabled transponders to reduce traffic accidents and
> traffic jams.
> - Jed

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