
A pair of little reported Time Bombs threaten to end billions of human lives.

The first is the Fuel Ponds at Fukushima. A highly probable, near-term, 
powerful earthquake can release enough radioactivity to endanger most of our 
lives in the Northern hemisphere.

The second is a little recognized, but surprisingly very possible, solar storm 
emission that can bring down power grids for months. Nuclear plants would 
become meltdown candidates. That could end human life almost everywhere on the 

Both might be stopped by a massive government initiative that can stimulate 
major involvement of private capital. 

This would be the economic equivalent of fighting a life threatening war. It 
can reboot the economy and generate large numbers of jobs.

Solar roofs have become much more important than any grid dependent technology. 

LENR is one of the most promising Black Swans that might make a contribution.

See www.aesopinstitute.org for a few details - and possible paths to prevent 
the worst from happening.


Mark Goldes
Co-founder, Chava Energy
CEO, Aesop Institute
301A North Main Street
Sebastopol, CA 95472


707 861-9070
707 497-3551 fax

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