Does that mean he has generators already working with Rossi's power level
and need the money to finish development?

2012/6/13 Akira Shirakawa <>

> Hello Group,
> News about Francesco Piantelli from Roy Virgilio of
> have been posted here, today:
> http://www.energeticambiente.**it/sistemi-idrogeno-nikel/**
> 14742857-novit%C3%A0-cella-**piantelli-7.html#post119337230<>
> I will hand translate (with the help of Google Translate) his post below
> for clarity. Please forgive me any inaccuracy:
>> Hello everybody,
>> After a long silence, I bring good news. Yesterday I went to Piantelli's
>> laboratory and I had the chance to verify [his] work progress. I can't talk
>> you about it right now, but the visit, among other things, unfreezed the
>> old Supporters' Trust project.
>> In fact, a fund raising to support prof. Piantelli's LENR project will
>> start soon. The fund raising will be managed by an association which will
>> collect memberships of various fees (something like 100 - 200 - 300 - 500 -
>> 1000 Euro).
>> These fees will add up until a total amount of 50000 to 100000 Euro will
>> be achieved, in order to acquire a share of the Metalenergy company which
>> holds an exclusive European license on generators ranging from 101 W to 7
>> kW.
>> The funds will be directly used to fund the laboratory for the
>> development of said generators (already in development) and will be then
>> rewarded with royalties deriving from the sale of the generators themselves
>> or from the licenses granted over the entire European territory.
>> As soon as the bureaucratic-organizational aspect will be ready, it will
>> become possible to deposit shares.
>> I will talk about cold fusion and this particular project on Saturday,
>> June 16th in Viterbo during the "Energiainmovimento" event from 15:30 to
>> 16:30. You can download the program here:
>> http://www.energeticambiente.**it/fiere-conferenze-e-raduni/**
>> 14748688-evento-energia-**movimento-viterbo.html<>
>> Full speed ahead!
>> Roy
> Note: for everybody's convenience, I uploaded the file here:
> Cheers,
> S.A.

Daniel Rocha - RJ

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