There is enough Holy-sh*t Batman stuff in this budget report/request to make 
the most extreme nerd crème-his-jeans for months!  
Here are just a few:

Coherent Collective Dynamics (Topological Insulators):
- Developed physics of topological insulators guiding the production of 
  interconnects to transmit electricity/information with
  [MY Emphasis] 
   *orders of magnitude lower power and lower losses than the best performing 
known technology.*

- Reproduced *first ever* magnet whose direction of magnetization can be
  controlled via applied voltage, which together with topological surface
  states will 
  [MY Emphasis] 
   *result in an ultra low power transistor useful well beyond the impending 
end of Moore's Law.*


- Determined the requirements for a unified theory for a non-biological system 
to demonstrate biological-like physical intelligence
and showed how it is consistent with thermodynamic and other physical 


For all you HAARP enthusiasts:

- Conducted a comprehensive series of ELF/ULF/VLF generation experiments and 
accomplished first ever generation of ELF
waves (10-50 Hz) without the presence of a Polar Auroral electrojet using the 
ionospheric current drive (ICD).

- Characterized ionospheric current drive (ICD), artificially stimulated 
emissions in the ionosphere, and ionospheric turbulence
and associated scintillations.

- Developed and implemented a continuously-operational, comprehensive array of 
instruments that measure emissions
generated by tropospheric lightning, the associated electric and magnetic 
fields, and the appropriate time derivatives of these
fields which indicate how rapidly they change.

And that's only a smattering!


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