
Thanks.  It is a very elegant and simple explanation (I guess that is why
it is called a singularity).   Einstein in his final years worked in this
area.  Hawking/Penrose should be thanked as well as all of the others now
working on it.  In truth, we have been surrounded by the process daily when
lightning strikes and electrical currents ebb and flow.  We have been given
a 3rd gift of Nuclear Energy, I hope we do better than we have with the
first two.  The nuclear discharge from a singularity is truly the stuff
universes are made of and we now have that power.  To that which much is
given, much is expected.  I hope we as a race live up to that expectation.


On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 8:32 PM, Jojo Jaro <> wrote:

> **
> Stewart,  send it over to Vortex-L and many here will look it over.  I for
> one are very interested in looking at this new theory.
> Jojo
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* Chemical Engineer <>
> *To:* ;
> *Sent:* Thursday, August 09, 2012 3:49 AM
> *Subject:* [Vo]:Re: Schrodinger Cat out of the Bag
> Just a couple of quick corrections to my previous draft
> My first instance of "1-8 keV" should have read 1-8 TeV (it was correct in
> the second usage)  and "A negatively charged singularity would feed
> preferentially from POSITIVELY charged particles"  instead of negatively.
> Sorry for the confusion.
> On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 2:46 PM, Chemical Engineer <>wrote:
>>  All,
>> I understand that National Instruments is now calling this a quantum
>> reactor.  I have attached a draft of what I believe, without a doubt is the
>> primary Nuclear process formerly known as Cold Fusion or LENR.  May they,
>> along with Martin, RIP.
>> There are three primary forms of Nuclear energy in the world, Fission,
>> Fusion & Singularity (Black Hole) Evaporation.  The first two can hopefully
>> be retired.
>> Excuse the quality of the draft but you will get the idea.  I weighed
>> heavily on a recent CERN study by Chan on black hole creation concerns at
>> the LHC.  I would like to have somebody sponsor me on publishing my summary
>> to Arxiv (after I clean it up some).  I am going to follow up with some
>> calculations once I brush up on my particle and quantum physics math...
>> It is a beautiful day, don't let it slip away (U2 Bono)
>> Stewart D. Simonson

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