Le Aug 10, 2012 à 5:24 PM, mix...@bigpond.com a écrit :

> The reaction 3*He4 => C12 yields 7.27 MeV. (Helium burning in stars).
> Removing a proton from C12 to produce B11 *costs* 15.96 MeV.
> Hence adding a proton to B11 with the ensuing production of 3 alpha particles
> produces 8.68 MeV. 
> When the proton fuses with B11 it momentarily creates C12*, which usually 
> splits
> into three alphas, but not always.
> (C12* is C12 in an excited state - it has an additional 15.96 MeV that it
> desperately wants to get rid of).

Setting aside the question of 12C -> 11B + p (I'm not sure why that would be a 
desirable reaction), there is this interesting paragraph in the Wikipedia 

"Ordinarily, the probability of the triple alpha process would be extremely 
small. However, the beryllium-8 ground state has almost exactly the energy of 
two alpha particles. In the second step, 8Be + 4He has almost exactly the 
energy of an excited state of 12C. These resonances greatly increase the 
probability that an incoming alpha particle will combine with beryllium-8 to 
form carbon."

Does anyone know what the modified probability would be?  I believe Rydberg 
matter is matter that is in an excited state.  Would that be a factor?  While 
2*4He -> 8Be is endothermic, it requires keV (93.7) and not MeV.


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