OK, I will embrace the uncertainty principle.  I can see one of those 1500
hp engines in my boat...

On Sat, Aug 11, 2012 at 4:27 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax 

> At 09:29 AM 8/11/2012, Chemical Engineer wrote:
>> I now firmly believe Papp/Rohner, Rossi device, DGT, Brillouin, Celini
>> and others are all generating energy by the exact same Nuclear process and
>> my prediction of what will come next when the world realizes what this is
> Watch out for "firmly believe" with *any interpretation.* It gunks up your
> mind.
>  [...]
>> I really want somebody to slap me to wake me up.  My wife is wondering
>> why I cannot sleep at night lately.
> That's a sign.
> WAKE UP!!!
> "Firmly believe" is a formula for insanity, including sleeplessness.
> You can choose to trust something with your money, trust it with, even,
> your life, but "firmly believe" is a byproduct ofmechanisms which severely
> limit our adaptability. It's not necessary.
> Doesn't mean you are wrong, but that the stance is likely to create an
> inability to perceive whatever might be contrary to the "firm belief." We
> just saw a great example of that on this list. Everything is interpreted,
> once belief like this is established and not recognized for what it is, in
> such a way as to confirm the belief.
> The powerful forces of logic and interpretation, so valuable for our
> creativity, are turned to the service of the "belief."
> (This is not an antireligious screed. Faith is not belief, faith is a
> condition of the heart and an attitude of acceptance and trust. Belief has
> seized upon text and fixed ideas, and has substituted them for faith.)

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