Greetings Peter and Vortex-l

I have been  visiting  our local bookstore to see IF Popular Science would
anything on LENR-CF, BUT nothing is in the September issue.

Also, I was watching   and they still have the old
August website as of this e-mail.  For a media corporation having a
new issue  on the newstands and an old  non-updated website is SHABBY!

I think that the new editor s last name is Ward.
Popular Science seems to feature endless articles on Area 51 and UFOs.

IF LENR Cold Fusion were discovered by a 14 year old in his basement,
then perhaps they would cover it.

Ron Kita, Chiralex
Doylestown, PA....... I have to dash the optimist in me  concerning Popular
Science having a LENR October issue.

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