I would welcome the proof that we are being visited by other civilizations 
provided they are peaceful.  For some reason I have a feeling that the strange 
round object seen on Mars by curiosity will turn out to be a large boulder 
rounded by weathering or movement during the last billion years.  Send our 
friend to take a look!

Of course it is entirely possible that we are under surveillance by others but 
this is not generally accepted by the public and scientific communities.  I 
have personally seen a strange red orb which apparently was associated with a 
more complex object that I spoke of earlier, but having not touched the device 
or been approached by its occupants, I am not convinced it was from elsewhere.

The level of proof required for a phenomena of this caliber is quite high.  
Perhaps one day I will be convinced.  After all, I do accept LENR!


-----Original Message-----
From: LORENHEYER <lorenhe...@aol.com>
To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Wed, Aug 22, 2012 9:42 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:UFO found on mars by new lander?

Heck, that's nothing... UFO's have been up in space long before Mankind's 
earliest simplest lifeform ancestors were beginning to develope billions of 
years ago. UFO's have not only been with US from the get-go but have been 
motivating US to persue the Stars. IN fact, the most highly developed and/or 
advanced civilizations are indeed so very capable that they are literally from 
beyond Space & Time, as we know it.                                         
                                                As far as Mars goes... It's 
just one Stepping Stone to the Stars,,, and those highly capable UFO's are 
already out there, everywhere, and have been for only god knows how long... 
It's a gimee, and we're the takers because that's the way it was, is, and 
will be far into the distant future, and beyond.         
            << Subject: UFO found on mars by new Mars lander? >>


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