On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 11:36 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
<a...@lomaxdesign.com> wrote:
> At 07:47 PM 8/21/2012, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson wrote:
>> Humans are very good a filling in the dots. I suspect the ability to
>> interpret (and particularly to extrapolate) one’s immediate surroundings was
>> probably a very good survival trait in which to pass on from generation to
>> generation. When one is peering through thick foliage and wondering if those
>> odd looking black and orange vertical strips might belong to a tiger, or
>> not… your progeny will thank you, if you’re lucky enuf to have any.
> Yes. It's a blessing and a curse. "The human being is a meaning-making
> machine." We are quite good at it. The fly in the ointment comes when we
> believe that the intepretations we invent are real. They are *useful*,
> sometimes, but they aren't real. A collection of pixels is a collection of
> pixels. It is not the thing portrayed, it is neither true nor false, it is
> what it is.

In this scene from Solaris (1972)


the meaning of sleep, dreams and space exploration is considered .


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