Again, I say, WHOOSH....

OK, so maybe I placed the fulcrum a bit to far and the arm broke.

On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 6:59 PM, Jed Rothwell <> wrote:

> James Bowery <> wrote:
> When the cold fusion research community finally comes up with devices
>> meeting your criteria, the world will be grateful to you Mr. Gibbs.
>>  Because of your strong stand for serious scientific proof, in the end,
>> science will win because of your steadfastness.
> Oh give me a break! Gibbs would not know scientific proof if it bit him on
> the butt. This is a person who thinks that the proof of cold fusion is more
> energy coming out than you put in. In one of his columns he confused a
> hypothesis and a theory.
> Granted, mass media reporters such as Lemonick (Time) make even more
> ludicrous mistakes, but the ones I just listed would get you a failing
> grade in freshman science at Cornell or Okayama U.
> - Jed

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