Terry, Eric

You ever open a "Sampler" box of Godiva or other fine chocolates and find
that are a few that you do not like as well as the rest...

Most are close to heaven, of course ...

Wiki is like that. You pass over the one or two that you do not favor (i.e.
cherry-filled) and savor the rest.

For those of us who dabble in the cutting-edge - trying to make sense of
LENR - Wiki is fully one-half the value of the internet. It is simply too
onerous to convey complicated ideas without it, since a Wiki citation avoids
a couple of pages of needed text in your posting, in favor of a more cogent

Here is an apt spur-of-the-moment example, by way of a metaphor for a force
that is so powerful, that you can kill it off one day, and it will be back
in full regalia the next:

The king is dead, long live the king ....

QED - Yup, wiki's even got that bit of self-contradiction covered.

-----Original Message-----
From: Terry Blanton 

I agree Eric; but, I use wikipedia a little differently from most.  I
use it as a reference source, rarely quoting wiki together because the
truth is volatile there; but, the reference base at the bottom of the
articles is a treasure trove.


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