BTW, the particle is orbiting with a speed in the neighborhood of 500
miles/second and zooms by only once every 1-100 seconds depending upon its

My suggestions for a long life:

Don't walk or fly into or between active sinkholes, potholes, waterspouts,
dust devils, tornadoes or hurricanes (I hope you already knew the last two)

Don't stay in the same place for too long in case an energetic heavy
particle is orbiting through that point on the earth, very bad for your
health - personal sinkhole.

If you detect a 0-1 Hz reoccurring seismic activity in your vicinity (1-100
second period) and you are near an active fault line, get out.

Figure out what those crop circles are telling us.


On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 1:41 PM, ChemE Stewart <> wrote:

> Guys,
> Go with me on this one:  My latest dark/collapsed matter theory predicts a
> couple of things I want to ask your help on:
> 1)  During an active orbit of dark matter through/around the earth (which
> is happening right now wherever there are intense low pressure systems and
> sinkholes forming), which can last for months, I have a massive particle
> with
> +/- 1E29 Joules of Kinetic Energy passing in a fairly steady stream into a
> sinkhole or part of Earth somewhere.  Where it comes out is a hurricane or
> twister.  Where it goes in is a sinkhole or earthquake waiting to happen.
> What is the best way to collect/utilize  that energy?  It is what is
> collapsing the earth in Louisiana.  Can I put a coil around it? I am not
> sure if it carries a charge or not.   It gives of Hawking radiation/heat
> but I think is in equilibrium with the air.  Maybe a thermosiphon?
> It is the source of energy for most earthquakes, Hurricanes, etc...
> 2)  My latest update predicts that , possibly, the crop circles that are
> not the trampled kind (faked) may be caused by this dark matter orbiting
> through the earth which is inducing changes in the stalks:
> Based upon the patterns formed which are beautiful, are the orbiting
> particles really creating that intricate pattern by earth's rotation, etc.
> or is the dark matter trying to tell us something???  i.e. communicate to
> us????????
> Stewart
> P.S. I have not been drinking wine/alcohol.

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